Another “Rocket”


Have you met Rocket yet? Rocket is a half-Morgan/half-Shetland pony who is full of spunk and always eager to get into trouble. He is also very confident and has been seen bossing around the full-size horses on the farm. With all his “attitude,” you might think Rocket is a bit too sassy to have time for his human friends. But actually, he truly loves nothing more than having a “spa day,” with lots of brushing, pampering, and horse cookies! It would seem that Rocket is the perfect pony to star in his own series, and that’s just what author Ellen Feld has done with her “Rocket the Miniature Morgan Horse Series.”

Book one in the Rocket series is Rocket: The Miniature Morgan Horse. This story introduces Rocket and his young caretaker, Sara. (You can learn more about the book at )

Book two in the series is Rocket: The Blue-Ribbon Pony. Rocket is now two years old, and Sara has decided to take him to a horse show. Sara is hopeful that her pony will win a blue ribbon, but things don’t go exactly as planned.

Book three in the series is currently being written. This time, Sara is training Rocket to drive. At the same time, Sara makes up a story about fairies and unicorns that she tells to Rocket. It’s a fun story, but it’s certainly not true…or is it? When Sara and Rocket get stranded on a mountain trail after a surprise storm, could that be a unicorn they see? Will it help them find a way home? Publication date is Fall of 2025.


Trail Riding in Summer


Meet Our New Foal!